Background and History
Our team of architects and town planners, alongside neighbouring landowners have created a new masterplan for the Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area. Project Flourish is at the heart of the masterplan, creating an attractive new neighbourhood within the local area.
Our first round of public consultation on the masterplan was held in summer 2021, with a second round following in autumn 2021. Both rounds of engagement gave local people the chance to comment on the plans at meetings, workshops, public exhibitions and online.
Further consultation took place across May 2023, where a four-week-long consultation Drop-in hub was launched at Canalot Studios, , 222 Kensal Road, W10 5BN. This allowed us to showcase our revised masterplan proposals, which incorporated feedback from the previous consultation events, to the public and give attendees a further chance to have their say.
We would like to thank the local community for showing such interest in our plans, and for contributing so much to the final version of the proposals. Your feedback has helped us create a masterplan that reflects the views, wishes and wants of the local community.